

Accidentally found out that Blogspot is available again in China while I was googling for Cory Kennedy this morning.
Finally be able to write in English and post it on a site I like. I don't know what exactly is going on here, that Youtube was banned for a while but is now working again, that my Bebo is gone, that Flickr is not available currently(that's where i put most of my valuable pics) and Wikipedia, my full-time lover, still can't be reached. I don't care what's the political deal here, but I ask for no more than a peaceful life, where I can read books, watch movies, take some pictures, write my blog and search for things that I am curious in.
Yet still it has been a delight to know that the things i write here won't be vanish out of a sudden. (wait..who knows what will happen tomorrow)

Despite the fact that my body is aching all over, I am quite content with my current life. Cory Kennedy can be a role model in her taste about fashion and a real example of how to become famous over night in the Internet era, but as for life style, well, I 'd choose something else.

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